Instructional Technology


May 2019

This post includes:

- A teacher spotlight from Greenway High School

- Highlights of what's happening with instructional technology around the district

- Information about summer training opportunities!

View our previous posts!

Teacher Spotlight

Melissa Kestle has been teaching with GUHSD for 13 years. She currently teaches Honors and AP Chemistry at Greenway High School where she has also previously taught Integrated Science and Biology.

Watch this video to see the ways in which Melissa integrates technology in her classroom despite not having daily access to devices.

Melissa’s passion when designing learning experiences is to find effective and innovative ways to engage her students. Using technology tools, such as Google Classroom, Pear Deck, and Synergy assessment, have provided her the opportunity to integrate technology in meaningful ways with direct impact on student engagement. Unlike other tech enthusiasts, Melissa does not have a Chromebook cart assigned to her classes for daily use; however, this has not deterred her efforts to integrate technology as she strategically plans to check out a Chromebook cart based on how she has designed each unit of study.

Major benefits to making the effort to check out the Chromebook cart have been the efficiency technology has added to Melissa’s grading process and the ability to dynamically track student progress. A simple example of how technology improves her life as a teacher is that she can better determine if students have turned in their assignment on time or late, or engaged in plagiarism. Integrating technology into her instruction and assessment has benefited students through increase interest and engagement, as well as the ability to receive immediate feedback.

Melissa’s students enjoy when she uses Pear Deck for interactive notes as they have the information screen right in front of them which eliminates any barriers to seeing what’s on the board. She is able to confirm 100 percent engagement on the interactive questions which then allows her to give immediate feedback and provide remediation when needed. Her advice to teachers wanting to integrate technology is start small with something that is only a little stretch from their current comfort zone. Consider adding the Pear Deck extension to your Google Slides presentation to get the information on students screens. Once you are comfortable with that process, add a few interactive slides to start exploring engaging students through their device. Create a Google Classroom to post class information and once you are comfortable with that process try creating an online assignment and providing digital feedback. Try creating a Synergy assessment for one unit or one quiz to see how it goes until you are comfortable enough with the technology to try more. Every expert starts as a beginner and you just need to figure out what your starting step might be to grow your comfort zone. Trust Melissa, it’s worth it!

What's happening with instructional technology around the district?


Biology teacher and Mentor, Cristi Davis, is utilizing FlipGrid as an interactive way to review for the AP Biology test. She is having students create a video lesson on one specific topic that will be uploaded to FlipGrid. All students will then have access to view and learn from their classmate's videos to review each topic. Using video learning allows students to have access to review anytime, anywhere. The class time students spent making their videos was a worthwhile investment as the videos came out amazing and the best part was that students both loved making the videos and using them to review.


The Welding Program is utilizing Google Classroom and Google Forms to assist students in researching job topics related to their field. Welding teacher Nick Wostl posted directions for the job research assignment in Google Classroom, where he also provided a Google Form to collect the information students had curated for the assignment. Students were able to seamlessly start and complete the project during class with minimal redirection and high engagement.


Math teacher, Sean Beck, uses technology to work SMARTer not harder. He records himself teaching his lessons using SMARTboard recorder so that he can post the videos to Google Classroom in order to provide support for absent or struggling students.

The Biology PLC is finding interactive ways to review for the district CRT. The team is using Synergy assessment to collect and analyze data in order to strategize reteaching efforts. Once they have identified the concepts in which students struggle the most, they are creating Quizizz to engage students in a fun and competitive way.

Counselor Teresa Cabrera has done a remarkable job using Google Classroom to communicate with seniors as part of the FAFSA challenge with great responses. All Glendale counselors continue to use Google Classroom as an effective way to communicate with all students.

Carol Good’s AP Lit class is currently reading The Handmaid’s Tale. Working with a partner, students have been assigned a specific chapter to present to the class using Google Slides. Each group was also tasked with creating a Google Doc handout for their audience to allow other students to record their own personal notes while listening to the presentation. All documents are distributed to the class via Google Classroom for ease of access.


Check out the teacher spotlight with Melissa Kestle where she discusses ways she uses technology to support her students' learning without have daily access to devices!

Janna Frandrup, a special education teacher, completed a fun and compelling activity called, “The Million Dollar Project.” The activity required students to complete an expense spreadsheet where they tracked their spending of a million dollars, including expenses such as a house, a car, college tuition, and charitable donations. She was able to easily share the needed documents and models with her students through Google Classroom.


Kevin VanNatter, a sophomore English teacher, has created some awesome screencasts using Screencastify to help his students improve their writing. Each video contains a mini-lesson on either a grammar or writing concept. He includes in his feedback on their writing specific videos students should watch based on their individual areas of improvement. Kevin has found that this has improved the quality of product his students produce.

Moon Valley:

Deanna Raab, senior English teacher, utilizes Google Classroom for discussions. She asks a question at the beginning of the week, and students have to post a response by the end of the week. This digital exercise simulates what students will be doing in college when they have blended and/or online classes. The goal is to acclimate students to online discussion boards as they need to learn to communicate effectively and respectfully in this type of virtual environment.

Online Learning Academy:

Intervention teacher, Brett Eklund, had his students install the Chrome extension Read Aloud. Chrome extensions are a great way for students to utilize free resources that support their learning in any type of educational setting. Read Aloud is a text-to-speech voice reader that allows students to select digital text that will be read aloud to them. Students can rewind, fast forward, and pause the reading to improve their understanding and support note taking. This is a beneficial resource when students are required to read text that is above their reading ability or when they have a large selection of text to read.


World language teacher, Mary Walther, has used technology in her classroom for years. What Mary has found to be very enjoyable and effective with students is technology that makes learning interactive. She uses Google Slides to provide and collect bell work assignments for an easy paperless approach. Additionally, Mary utilizes Google Slides to teach vocabulary through a video series from Germany which contains many different 90 second episodes. She provides students with four vocabulary words as part of the bell work assignment in which students are directed to watch the corresponding 90 second episode and answer questions aligned to the video. It is great for them to hear authentic German on a daily basis. Mary has found the activities she completes with Google Slides are meaningful and fun for the students, so much fun that sometimes they don't even realize they are learning!


Coding teacher, Mike Sarlo, along with the other coding teachers in the district, have worked together to create common formative and summative assessments using Synergy to create test banks, quizzes, and tests. Their work as a team has allowed them to share the workload for creating the assessment items, saving everyone time without loss of benefit. Using Synergy also allows them to quickly, if not automatically, grade and return student work, providing timely feedback students can access directly from their StudentVue. Also, having common assessments has allowed the team to compare results, informing them on best practices for future lessons.


English teachers Katie Eldridge and Laura Hirschey are using Google Slides to create shared Frayer model vocabulary cards. Shared presentations are a great way for students to learn from other students while collaboratively creating a digital resource. For this activity each student is assigned a vocabulary term which corresponds to a specific slide in the shared presentation. Students work at the same time to complete their specific slide then discuss what they have created with their peers. This shared learning environment allows everyone to work together to create an easily accessible digital vocabulary resource.

Summer Technology Training Opportunities

Check with your content coordinator to find out about the technology workshop opportunities this summer for your department!

GUHSD Technology Training Open Lab

When: 6/10 - 6/13 1:30pm - 3:30pm

Why: Come explore a technology tool you would like to integrate into your teaching or work on a PLC goal regarding technology integration for next year. Tech Coaches will be available to support your learning and you will be paid for your time.

Google Certified Educator

When: Complete on your own time in the comfort of your own home!

Why: Get Level 1 or Level 2 certified to ensure you are a master of using Google tools!

WESD Instructional Technology Conference

When: 6/26 - 6/27 8:30am - 3:30pm, $25 registration fee per day

Why: Check out their flyer to see why you may want to attend.

Contact your local Tech Coach if you would like your instructional technology use to be shared in a future Tech Coach blog post.