Instructional Technology
October 2018
October 2018
This post includes:
This post includes:
- A teacher spotlight from Apollo High School
- A teacher spotlight from Apollo High School
- Highlights of what's happening with instructional technology around the district
- Highlights of what's happening with instructional technology around the district
- Information about our featured tech tool, Flipgrid.
- Information about our featured tech tool, Flipgrid.
Teacher Spotlight
Teacher Spotlight
Sean Kaus has been teaching for 13 years and has been with GUHSD for the past 4 years. He currently teaches Geometry and AP Calculus at Apollo High School.
Sean Kaus has been teaching for 13 years and has been with GUHSD for the past 4 years. He currently teaches Geometry and AP Calculus at Apollo High School.
Hear how using a flipped classroom has changed Sean's teaching and gain insight on how he puts his lessons together.
Hear how using a flipped classroom has changed Sean's teaching and gain insight on how he puts his lessons together.

Sean Kaus, math teacher from Apollo High School, is diverting from the traditional math class by using the flipped classroom approach to teach Geometry. As the initial learning is done independently at home, students are able to come to class with questions about the lesson as they receive assistance practicing the concepts during class. This process benefits learning by allowing students to work at their own pace as they are able to rewind and rewatch portions of the video as needed. Students are able to ask individual questions and the teacher is able to provide one on one or small group support during class. The flipped classroom model individualizes instruction to support the learning of all students.
Sean Kaus, math teacher from Apollo High School, is diverting from the traditional math class by using the flipped classroom approach to teach Geometry. As the initial learning is done independently at home, students are able to come to class with questions about the lesson as they receive assistance practicing the concepts during class. This process benefits learning by allowing students to work at their own pace as they are able to rewind and rewatch portions of the video as needed. Students are able to ask individual questions and the teacher is able to provide one on one or small group support during class. The flipped classroom model individualizes instruction to support the learning of all students.
The process begins by recording himself teaching a lesson. He creates a screencast video that captures everything that is happening on his computer desktop, as well as his voice as he provides instruction. Screencasting while writing using your SMART Board allows you to record everything you write. Sean uses the SMART Recorder tool to make his videos which operates similarly to other screencasting tools, such as ScreenCastify or ScreencastOMatic. After recording his lesson video, the next step in Sean’s process is to upload the video to YouTube. All teachers automatically have a YouTube channel created for their GUHSD e-mail address where they can upload their own instructional videos.
The process begins by recording himself teaching a lesson. He creates a screencast video that captures everything that is happening on his computer desktop, as well as his voice as he provides instruction. Screencasting while writing using your SMART Board allows you to record everything you write. Sean uses the SMART Recorder tool to make his videos which operates similarly to other screencasting tools, such as ScreenCastify or ScreencastOMatic. After recording his lesson video, the next step in Sean’s process is to upload the video to YouTube. All teachers automatically have a YouTube channel created for their GUHSD e-mail address where they can upload their own instructional videos.
Once the video is in YouTube, Sean uses the video to create an EdPuzzle interactive video lesson that collects formative data on student performance. The interactive lessons can ask open ended questions that are graded by the teacher, as well as multiple choice questions that are automatically graded and provide immediate feedback for students. One easy way to to transition a video from YouTube to EdPuzzle is to download the EdPuzzle extension for Google Chrome. This extension adds a button next to all YouTube videos that allows teachers to quickly start using the video as an interactive lesson within the EdPuzzle program. Once the EdPuzzle lesson is ready, Sean assigns it to his students through the EdPuzzle dashboard. EdPuzzle can be linked to Google Classroom to make student access to Edpuzzle lessons a seamless process. The video lessons are assigned as homework so that students can independently study the lesson while the teacher collects data prior to class time regarding student performance.
Once the video is in YouTube, Sean uses the video to create an EdPuzzle interactive video lesson that collects formative data on student performance. The interactive lessons can ask open ended questions that are graded by the teacher, as well as multiple choice questions that are automatically graded and provide immediate feedback for students. One easy way to to transition a video from YouTube to EdPuzzle is to download the EdPuzzle extension for Google Chrome. This extension adds a button next to all YouTube videos that allows teachers to quickly start using the video as an interactive lesson within the EdPuzzle program. Once the EdPuzzle lesson is ready, Sean assigns it to his students through the EdPuzzle dashboard. EdPuzzle can be linked to Google Classroom to make student access to Edpuzzle lessons a seamless process. The video lessons are assigned as homework so that students can independently study the lesson while the teacher collects data prior to class time regarding student performance.
What's happening with instructional technology around the district?
What's happening with instructional technology around the district?
Check out the teacher spotlight on Sean Kaus using EdPuzzle to create a flipped classroom!
Check out the teacher spotlight on Sean Kaus using EdPuzzle to create a flipped classroom!
From Clickers to Synergy Assessment - The World History Department is diving feet first into Synergy Assessment. Transitioning from paper tests graded using the E-instruction Classroom Performance System (CPS) clickers, the PLC was excited about Synergy Assessment because of the grade book integration, the ability to go paperless with digital testing, as well as the opportunity to expose students to online tests which can improve how they will perform on state tests. The PLC is working as a team to convert their old CPS tests to Synergy Assessments with each teacher converting a different unit test to be shared with their PLC.
From Clickers to Synergy Assessment - The World History Department is diving feet first into Synergy Assessment. Transitioning from paper tests graded using the E-instruction Classroom Performance System (CPS) clickers, the PLC was excited about Synergy Assessment because of the grade book integration, the ability to go paperless with digital testing, as well as the opportunity to expose students to online tests which can improve how they will perform on state tests. The PLC is working as a team to convert their old CPS tests to Synergy Assessments with each teacher converting a different unit test to be shared with their PLC.
Counseling with Google Classroom - Counselors have created a Google Classroom for each of the four grade levels that are used to share pertinent information, such as deadlines for scholarships, FAFSA information, opportunities to meet with prospective schools, and even sharing individual student ECaps as a Google Sheet which allows students to track their GPA and credits earned to ensure they stay on track for graduation.
Counseling with Google Classroom - Counselors have created a Google Classroom for each of the four grade levels that are used to share pertinent information, such as deadlines for scholarships, FAFSA information, opportunities to meet with prospective schools, and even sharing individual student ECaps as a Google Sheet which allows students to track their GPA and credits earned to ensure they stay on track for graduation.
Saving Time with Paperless PE - Girls PE uses Google Classroom to save paper and valuable class time. They use Google Forms for quizzes where students are able to test on their own time which frees more class time for activities rather than computer testing.
Saving Time with Paperless PE - Girls PE uses Google Classroom to save paper and valuable class time. They use Google Forms for quizzes where students are able to test on their own time which frees more class time for activities rather than computer testing.
Google Classroom for PLC Collaboration - The Sophomore English PLC is collaboratively creating assignments and readings that all students can use while reading "To Kill a Mockingbird." The materials are shared through a Google Classroom created for the PLC which is reviewed and discussed by the team to determine what will be used in future years. In addition to this PLC, teachers across the campus are increasing their use of Google Classroom. Several teachers have committed to going completely paperless in their classrooms.
Google Classroom for PLC Collaboration - The Sophomore English PLC is collaboratively creating assignments and readings that all students can use while reading "To Kill a Mockingbird." The materials are shared through a Google Classroom created for the PLC which is reviewed and discussed by the team to determine what will be used in future years. In addition to this PLC, teachers across the campus are increasing their use of Google Classroom. Several teachers have committed to going completely paperless in their classrooms.
Moon Valley:
Moon Valley:
Mock Job Interviews - Senior English teachers are having students use Screencastify to create mock job interviews after finishing their mini-research essay on career paths. Through this project, students have the ability to self-reflect on key skills they may be lacking when interviewing since many, if not most, have never attended a job interview before. Instead of having students present in front of the class, they film themselves in a real world situation. It can be alarming hearing your voice on film, but seeing themselves in this situation is eye opening to how they present themselves to others. Self-critiquing is an important skill students need to acquire, and this project gives them a unique and authentic opportunity to do so.
Mock Job Interviews - Senior English teachers are having students use Screencastify to create mock job interviews after finishing their mini-research essay on career paths. Through this project, students have the ability to self-reflect on key skills they may be lacking when interviewing since many, if not most, have never attended a job interview before. Instead of having students present in front of the class, they film themselves in a real world situation. It can be alarming hearing your voice on film, but seeing themselves in this situation is eye opening to how they present themselves to others. Self-critiquing is an important skill students need to acquire, and this project gives them a unique and authentic opportunity to do so.
Online Learning Academy:
Online Learning Academy:
Desmos for Online Math - Math teachers are encouraging students to use Desmos to solve equations, graph lines, and do various other math related tasks while completing their online math courses. This interactive and dynamic tool, which is also used on our state AZMerit tests, greatly supports students' success in math. Check it out.
Desmos for Online Math - Math teachers are encouraging students to use Desmos to solve equations, graph lines, and do various other math related tasks while completing their online math courses. This interactive and dynamic tool, which is also used on our state AZMerit tests, greatly supports students' success in math. Check it out.
Simplifying Absent Work - PE Coach, Kirk Mearig, has digitized his student absent work assignments. Combining his class Google Sites website, a Google Form, and scans of his required make-up readings, students are now able to make up missed class time from their computer or cell phone. This makes it easy for them to access the materials, and he does not have to copy or collect any papers. Check out the absent work section of his website.
Simplifying Absent Work - PE Coach, Kirk Mearig, has digitized his student absent work assignments. Combining his class Google Sites website, a Google Form, and scans of his required make-up readings, students are now able to make up missed class time from their computer or cell phone. This makes it easy for them to access the materials, and he does not have to copy or collect any papers. Check out the absent work section of his website.
Student Book Club Google Conversations - The English 5-6 team wanted a way for students to share ideas with each other and with the teacher while reading different books. The students signed up for a book that they wanted to read and the teacher created a Google Doc for each book that was then shared with the students reading that book. So even if kids are in different classes, they can communicate with one another about what they're reading.
Student Book Club Google Conversations - The English 5-6 team wanted a way for students to share ideas with each other and with the teacher while reading different books. The students signed up for a book that they wanted to read and the teacher created a Google Doc for each book that was then shared with the students reading that book. So even if kids are in different classes, they can communicate with one another about what they're reading.
Student Centered Research with Google Slides - Integrated Science teacher Maggie Mott is combining student created Google Slides presentations with a gallery walk activity to create an amazingly interactive student centered research project. Students work in small teams to research an issue, then collaborate to create a Google Slides presentation. The class then rotates around the room to view their peers' presentations as they take notes.
Student Centered Research with Google Slides - Integrated Science teacher Maggie Mott is combining student created Google Slides presentations with a gallery walk activity to create an amazingly interactive student centered research project. Students work in small teams to research an issue, then collaborate to create a Google Slides presentation. The class then rotates around the room to view their peers' presentations as they take notes.
Featured Instructional Technology Tool
Featured Instructional Technology Tool
What is Flipgrid?
What is Flipgrid?
Flipgird is a video discussion platform where students post video responses to the teacher's prompt. Teachers can create prompts from text, images, or videos. With teacher approval, students can view and respond to each other's video posts. Teachers can also make one of the student responses into a prompt to which students can reply with additional video posts.
Flipgird is a video discussion platform where students post video responses to the teacher's prompt. Teachers can create prompts from text, images, or videos. With teacher approval, students can view and respond to each other's video posts. Teachers can also make one of the student responses into a prompt to which students can reply with additional video posts.
How do I access it?
How do I access it?
Teachers and students access Flipgrid at Students will join a grid created by the teacher using an access code.
Teachers and students access Flipgrid at Students will join a grid created by the teacher using an access code.
Why should I use it?
Why should I use it?
Check out 15+ ways to use Flipgrid in your classroom or watch this video on ways people are using Flipgrid in their classroom.
Check out 15+ ways to use Flipgrid in your classroom or watch this video on ways people are using Flipgrid in their classroom.
How do I use it?
How do I use it?
Check out the videos below for support using Flipgrid, as well as directions for using this tool directly from the company in the Flipgrid Teacher Guide.
Check out the videos below for support using Flipgrid, as well as directions for using this tool directly from the company in the Flipgrid Teacher Guide.
Flipgrid Tutorial
Flipgrid Tutorial
Integrating Flipgrid with Google Classroom
Integrating Flipgrid with Google Classroom