

What is Turnitin?

Turnitin.com gained popularity with by allowing teachers a method to detect plagiarism in student's assignments. Turnitin scours the internet, as well as its database of papers in order to produce an originality report, portions of papers that may not be the student's original work. However, this is just one of the benefits that teachers will find when using turnitin.com. It also includes a robust grading system that allows teachers to create a personalized bank of commonly used, drag and drop, comments, a rubric design platform, and a peer editing system.

Why are teachers using Turnitin?

Many teachers have found that turnitin.com allows them to ensure that their students are avoiding the temptation to plagiarize from their peers or online resources. They are also finding that digital submissions to turnitin.com save them a great deal of time in grading larger written assignments.